- 产品描述
铝绞线及钢芯铝绞线AL TWISTED WIRE AND ACSR产品标准 Product StandardGBT117-2008等费于IPC61089-1997GB'T 1170-2008 oquvalent adoption of lEC61080-1907.二、用途 Usage适用于架空电力输配线路The produet is suitable for overhead trinemnitting and distributing eleetrie circuit三、型号、名称及使用条件Type,Name and Conditions for Application铝绞线及钢芯绞线的型号,名称及使用条件如表1For Al, twisted wire and ACsR-type,name and conditions for applkstlon,see Table .型号 Tie龙JLAGA JLG;BJLAG A J/G;BJLGAAMGAFJMG:AFЛNGAFAL,iwisded wine钢芯铝绞线ACSR防膺钢芯帽垵线Anl-corrosionACSR使用条件Condstions for Application用在受力不大,跨距较小的一般配电线路lsed in ordinery distributing cireuit with suull stress and relntively small span高压戏高压受力大大跨距输配电线路High vottage or super - high woltnge lnrge stress and large span transmltting anddlisfributing circuit沿海威水湖,含盐,土,沙质及其它腐蚀环境内的高压戏高压及一般的输配电线路High voltage anel super-high voltape or ordinary transmitting anxl distriburirggcircuit in coesdnl snltwater lake or environmnt contnining snlt, earth,siund another corrosives